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Engineering Design Pathway

Engineering Design Pathway Video

Pathway Description

The Engineering Design Pathway at Estancia High School is a four-year Career Technical Education pathway that integrates academics, technical preparation, and career preparation in the engineering technology and design industry.  Emphasis in the pathway is placed on computer integrated manufacturing.  The Engineering Design Pathway will prepare students for continued training, advanced educational opportunities, and direct entry into a career.

Topics of Study

  • Engineering design process
  • Engineering materials
  • Occupational safety
  • Electrical engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • 3D modeling and printing
  • Product development
  • Patent and trademark laws
  • Survey analysis and market research
  • Basics of automotive design
  • Mockup and prototype development
  • Building procedures and methods
  • Design presentation

Course Sequence

Grade 9:  Introduction to Engineering Design

Grade 10:  Principles of Engineering

Grade 11:  Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Grade 12:  Engineering Design & Development

Year 2, 3, and 4 courses are UC/CSU approved D courses.  

Energy Invitational

Engineering Design students have the opportunity to participate in the Energy Invitational. Students work with industry professional mentors on developing a design for their energy-efficient vehicle. Students build a one person, energy-efficient vehicle and run it in a time trial. Final designs are presented to a panel of judges. Each team explains their development skills in manufacturing and assembling, computer modeling, engineering, analysis, research, and testing.

Participating students build a vehicle from the ground up or by modifying existing vehicles using a combination of energy sources.  As students build their operational prototypes, they acquire an understanding of electrical and mechanical engineering, aerodynamics, physics, materials science, alternative fuels, statistics, algebra, CAD/3D printing, technology, and fabrication.  Students also learn about entrepreneurship, marketing, and general management skills.  Students work with industry professional mentors on developing a design for their energy-efficient vehicle.   Final designs are presented to a panel of judges. Each team explains their development skills in manufacturing and assembling, computer modeling, engineering, analysis, research, and testing.

Team Havoc - 2021 Energy Invitational

Student Website

To learn more about the Engineering Design pathway offered at Estancia High School, please visit a website created by Estancia's Engineering High School students in spring 2021.  

Contact Us

Gerald Rizza
Engineering Design Instructor